A short look at a few million
years of history and why “religion” per se isn’t the problem.
have lost count of the number of times recently when I have heard liberals,
progressives, atheists and a myriad of “freedom from religion” activists quote
these poetic and empathetic lyrics from the John Lennon song, “Imagine”.
there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too”
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too”
The context in which it is USUALLY quoted is within an argument being made to abolish religion, erase national borders, do away with governments and outlaw capitalism, as if by doing so all the peoples of the world will immediately live in peace, harmony and security with love and concern for each other regardless of race, language or values.
is a wonderful thought and when Lennon wrote those lyrics in 1971 and released
the song as a single in 1975 his thoughts were considered “revolutionary”.
Indeed, in the turmoil of the 70s his words were hailed as the kind of “new
thinking” the world needed. However, as great a musician and songwriter as
Lennon might have been he was an absolutely lousy historian. What John Lennon
forgot when he laid out his dream in song is that . . . we’ve been there already in the
course of human history. Yes, we have. It’s called “The Pleistocene
Epoch” and it began just shortly after the Ice Age when early humans first
showed up on earth- -an earth with no countries and no religion- - and
started to gather themselves into clans and tribes in order to provide security,
work more effectively, lessen their chances of being prey and assure their
forward a million or so years from the Pleistocene Epoch to about 200,000 years
ago when man had pretty much populated most of earth’s habitable continents and
began to organize themselves into “cultures” and “cities”. Still no countries
and still no religion, too but- -you guessed it- -there were plenty of
wars. Tribes routinely invaded each other, stole possessions, raped, maimed and
murdered with a great degree of regularity.
let’s move up another 150,000 years to a time that was a “mere” 50,000 years
ago. Still no countries as we know them but war and hatred existed because, as
human nature dictates, one tribe will always covet what another tribe has and
will try to take it forcefully if they cannot provide it on their own. It was
about this time, in an effort to find a way to mitigate the bellicose nature of
man that the early elements of what was to become Hinduism emerged as a means
of giving humans some clear values by which to live. Yet, in spite of the
attempt to promulgate values, early Hinduism was rife with images of war and
vengeful gods and didn’t become the more pacific religion we know today until
the appearance of the Vedic Scriptures about 5,000 years ago. An amazing 12 centuries after the Vedic
Scriptures, Abraham laid down the foundations of Judaism. 18 centuries later
Jesus preached the gospels that became the basis of Christianity. 14 centuries after
the death of Jesus Mohammed, in 610 AD, received the first revelations of the
in the history of humans on this earth- -spanning some 200,000 years-
-“countries” as we know them have been a segregating issue for less than 10% of
that time and “religion” as we know it has been an isolating influence for less
than 3% of that time. Yet, progressives, atheists and a large number of
believers will tell you that “more wars
have been started in the name of God than for any other reason”. While that
simply cannot be mathematically
possible it has become an oft repeated “truism” and is used to rationalize a
growing vendetta against all religions. It shouldn’t be. And, here’s why.
and other anti-religion types just love to point to passages in the Torah and
the Bible that call for stoning and other harsh punishments for what we
consider today as ridiculous “offenses”. Several passages in Deuteronomy
regarding adultery and blasphemy come to mind. (You can look them up for
yourself.) But to do so is completely disingenuous and they know it. Why?
Because it is a matter historical fact that Judaism has transformed itself over
the past 3,800 years by adopting values and reason from other cultures and
recognizing that all things- -including religious beliefs-
-eventually must be modernized to fit and meet the needs of humanity. The
Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century was the beginning of a
long period of re-thinking what Christianity should be and how it should serve
the needs of not just believers but of all of humanity. As a result of that
transformation and reformation Christianity and Judaism have modernized . . . clearly
not perfectly so . . . but certainly light years beyond the times of
Moses and Jesus. But not Islam. Islam
has not yet had its reformation. It has not undergone any sort
of transformation nor modernization. It is exactly the same religion it was 1,400
years ago with the same outdated values and priorities.
certain that at this point any of the PC crowd who may have been reading this
are in an absolute spasm of anger and ready to lynch me from the nearest light
post. But before you get the rope ready consider these few challenges. I
challenge you to:
any Jewish congregation anywhere in the world that still believes it’s OK for
wives to be beaten for disobeying their husbands
any recognized Christian sect anywhere in the world that still believes that
men and women should be stoned for the “crime” of adultery.
a film clip anywhere on the Internet showing Hindus, Jews or Christians caught
in the act of burning down
mosques. (Yes, many clips of charred Qurans with narrative blaming Christians
and Jews for it in the aftermath but no clips of angry mobs—just accusations)
me the crowds of Jews, Hindus or Christians storming and burning the embassy of
any nation because of some perceived “blasphemy” against a figure in their
religion much less murdering the people inside.
heart goes out to those brave Muslims who, after the murder of the US
Ambassador in Libya on 09.11.12, held up for the world to see, signs
proclaiming their sorrow for such an act and stating that it is not ‘the Islam
we know’. But until those who appear to be moderate outnumber those who are
militant and force an “Islamic Reformation” this will continue. And as long as
atheists, progressives and others in the West simply classify this militant
behavior as typical of religious believers of ALL kinds as a ruse to
further their own liberal agenda, this violence will not stop.
Yes, John Lennon, you were a lousy historian. But you were a wonderful musician and a great poet and will always be one of my heroes.
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